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Getting started with Pata
Pet Parent
Pata for Business
Pata for Business
Setting up your Pata Partners account
Add Business details
Managing your Catalogue
Adding and managing Categories
Adding and managing Services
Managing your Team
How do I view Team Members?
How do I add Team Members?
How do I update existing Team Members?
How do I manage Shifts?
Managing your Workplaces
What are Workplaces and how do I add one?
How do I add and edit closed dates?
Can I change Workplace details?
Managing your Marketplace Profile
How do I list my profile on Marketplace?
Can I preview my profile before I list it?
How do I update my Marketplace profile?
How do I update Opening Hours?
Managing your Clients
How do I view existing Clients?
How do I add a Client to my Client List?
How do I update Client information?
Can I add another owner to a pet?
Managing your Clients' Pets
How do I add a Pet to a Client?
How do I manage and update Pets?
Managing your Appointments
How do I view my appointments?
How do I add new appointments?
How do I amend an existing appointment?
How do I cancel an appointment?
Can I still add appointments on Closed Dates?
Can I add previous appointments to my calendar?
View all 8
Payments - PataPay
What is PataPay and why should I sign up to it?
How do I sign up to PataPay?
How are my deposits and cancellations protected?
How long does it take to receive my funds?
How do I change my Payout Schedule?
How come I’ve not received all my money?
View all 7
Payments - Pata Card Reader
What is the Pata Card Reader?
How do I order a Pata Card Reader?
Getting started with the Pata Card Reader
How do I connect my Pata Card Reader to the internet?
How do I activate my Pata Card Reader?
How do I take Payments with Pata Card Reader?
View all 8
How do Notifications work?
How do I set up notifications for clients?
Will I be notified when a new appointment is made?
How do I update my notifications?
How do I remove notifications?
Managing your Account
How do I manage Tax rates?
How do I update my account information?
How do I change my billing details?
Sales, Invoicing, & Refunds
How do I view Sales?
How do I manage Sales?
Can I edit past Sales?
How do I redeem a Membership?
Can I send invoices/receipts?
Can I update/amend receipts?
View all 7
My Data
I haven’t set up a profile, how did you get my business details?